Welcome to Suemoto Lab

Our Research Group
The causes of dementia have particularities inherent to different regions of the world. Particularly, the low socioeconomic level, low access to health services and ethnic diversity in Brazil and other Latin American countries are risk factors unique to our region when compared to the risk factors for dementia in rich countries. However, much of what we know about the epidemiology of dementia comes from studies using American and European data, which limits the validity of these findings in low- and middle-income countries. Thus, Suemoto Lab is a multidisciplinary and diverse research group that seeks to understand the epidemiology of dementia, with an emphasis on studies that use data from large Brazilian studies and other Latin American countries.

Our research
Our research encompasses different risk factors for dementia, such as low cognitive reserve, cardiovascular risk factors, dietary patterns, physical inactivity, neuroinflammation, among others. To understand these risk factors we use different types of data, including epidemiological data from large longitudinal studies, such as the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brazil) and the Longitudinal Study of Elderly Health (ELSI); the Biobank for Aging Studies (BEE) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo; and also from public databases such as those from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and DATASUS. Furthermore, we work with other longitudinal studies in Latin America, such as the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). Through this approach, we are able to understand the epidemiology of dementia from different angles, which expands our understanding of this subject in our region. .
Recent News
The New York Times
"The Link Between Highly Processed Foods and Brain Health"
National Geographic
"Ultra-processed food isn't just bad for your health—it messes with your mind"